Your favorite magazine recipes always at hand


Your favorite recipes in the palm of your hand.

A L W A Y S   A N D   E V E R Y W H E R E

Categorie view recipe binder

Store as many recipes as you like. In as many categories you feel comfortable with.

Create your digital Recipe Binder, just by taking photos of dishes and recipes you find in your favorite magazines. At home, or wherever you read them.

Bon appétit !

Collecting and organizing magazine recipes has never been easier.

Taking two pictures, that's all it takes.



Next time you spot an appetizing recipe in a magazine, take out your smartphone, open the Recipe Binder app and shoot it. Wherever you are - at home, at the hairdresser's, in a waiting room ...

That's how easy Recipe Binder makes it to collect and organise recipes you find in magazines.

Never miss a tasty recipe ever again.

how to use recipe binder